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    Facebook အေကာင့္ တရားဝင္ျဖစ္ေအာင္ Name ID တင္နည္း

    in အသံုးျပဳနည္း(၉)

    အရင္​ဆံုး Facebook birthday ကို 
    မွတ္​ပံုတင္​ထဲက birthday နဲ႔တူေအာင္​ထားးးပါ...
    (သူမ်ား ကိုယ့္ကို Report ထုရင္ အေကာင့္မက်ရေအာင္
    Lock မက်ရေအာင္ အခုဘဲ ID တင္ထားလိုက္ပါ)
    အသံုးျပုနည္း ေသးစိတ္ကို ပံုေလးေတြနဲ႔ ေလ့လာျကည့္ပါ။

    Reply ျပန္​ရမယ္​့စာ
    ID My Full name is -(နာမည္အျပည့္စုံေရးပါ)
    ID My First name is -(အေ႐ွ႕နာမည္ေရးပါ)
    ID My Middle name is -(ဒိထဲမွာမေရးလဲရတယ္××)
    ID My Last name is -(နာမည္အဆံုးေရးပါ)
    ID My date of birthday is -(1.january.2018)[ေမြးေန႔ရက္လ အမွန္ေရးပါ]
    Hi Dear Admin, I will proved that name is real name according to my Nationality ID card from Myanmar. Please help my dear lovely facebook community team. I attach my Nationality ID card from Myanmar with this mail. Thank you very much for your help.Please reopen and return my account. Please help me, my dear lovely facebook community team. This account is my really using account.I want my account for using.Thank you so much.

    Crd: Aung Ko Ko Htet
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